
Reduce the Pain of Organizational Change

Quick question: As a leader, how many change efforts are you currently part of? Chances are, it’s at least one. Maybe your organization is switching to a new technology. Or scaling up, down or restructuring. Adjusting to a hybrid workplace. Rolling out a new DEIA initiative. Even the loss or addition of a team member can be a considerable change since it requires realigning roles and relationships.

What are the chances that any one of these efforts will be completely successful? Pretty slim, actually. While there are many contributing factors, one of the most fundamental is human resistance to change.

Why Feedback Goes Awry and What To Do About It

Have you ever offered unsolicited feedback and had it blow up in your face?

Or spent hours preparing what you wanted to say then had it land badly even though you sugarcoated it?

Or tried time and again to get your point across about how someone’s behavior negatively affected you…only to end up in yet another  “groundhog day” argument?